Stephen A. Fuqua (saf)

a Bahá'í, software engineer, and nature lover in Austin, Texas, USA

Mississippi River Bird Monitoring - Statistics Now Posted!

I’ve just uploaded some statistics for the Mississippi River Twin Cities Landbird Monitoring Project. Go into an individual species and you can see a color-coded table of results, histogram showing species presence over time, and a Google maps display with the count of birds at each exact point count location within the various sites monitored. Interestingly, Gold Finchs are the most common bird across these parks. Its definitely fun to pour through this data. Later in the summer, data from previous years will be loaded into the site as well. Check out the Great-Crested Flycatcher — at 8 of 9 sites, they showed up all at the same time (week of 5/9). I can’t wait to compare that to previous years’ migration results.