I’m happy to say that there are still plenty of other Cure fans out there. They debuted at #7 in the US and are still #23 on Billboard Hot 100 Albums. I heard them on 101x yesterday (Austin alternative) and they’re in the top 20 rotation there. They were debuted at #1 in Mexico, oddly enough, and had good debuts across Europe and in Argentina. But sadly they have not announced any new dates for the Curiosa Festival with Interpol, Mogwai, and others, so I will have to remain detached&hellip .
I must say that the first few times I heard The End of the World (new single) I absolutely hated it. But it has grown on me, especially in context with the rest of the album. It also helps that I’ve now heard it properly&mbash;the first time was live recorded from Letterman and the second was with not-so-hot reception on a not-so-hot rental radio in Minnesota last month. It will be interesting to see if they have a second single out, and if so what it will be. To stay with the pop stuff, it would be Before Three. To be more adventurous, Lost would be a cool single. I think it would play well on alt radio, which is usually the point of a single, right? Not that I care that much about radio, you know.
Maybe if I give Cut Here (off of the Greatest Hits) another chance it will grow on me too. Really not into that song. I was rather disturbed with this in my mind when I first heard End of the World. Was quite worried that it would be an entire album of shlock. Thankfully not so!
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