There is more to show about the holy sites and places visited, but first I want to share some miscellaneous photos of birds, fruits, trees, and a bee.
A cactus garden near the Shrine of the Báb and the old Pilgrim House
Roses at the base of the Bahá‘í Terraces
Roses at the Shrine of the Báb
Orange tree on the Bahá‘í Terraces
These twinned olive trees reminded us of the story of Baucis and Philemon, who were said to have been turned into an oak and a linden to live together for eternity.
Atrium in the Bahjí Visitors Center outside the Shrine of Bahá‘u’lláh
Pumelos at the Ridván Garden
Song thrush (and bougainvillea) at the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Pigeon nesting in the wall of old Ottoman ‘Akká
Bathing crow on the Bahá‘í Terraces
The chickens of Ben Gurion Ave, a few blocks from our hotel in Haifa
A bee as artist’s mark on a capital at the Seat of the Universal House of Justice
Posted with : Life Lived Living, On the Subject of Religion, Bahá'í Faith