Stephen A. Fuqua (saf)

a Bahá'í, software engineer, and nature lover in Austin, Texas, USA


Articles by tag

Date Article
20 Jan 2020 Best Practices in TDD and OOD
27 Dec 2019 Unit Testing with Entity Framework Core and Async
08 Feb 2019 Refactor Away from Global Static
03 Dec 2018 Comparing Assertion Libraries for .NET Framework
21 Jul 2018 Upgrading safnet-directory, Part 2: Unit Tests
04 Jul 2018 .NET Unit Test Tooling in 2018
10 Dec 2016 API Calls from Postman Work, But Not From the Browsers
10 Feb 2015 Performance Test Harness
02 Jan 2015 Refactoring Legacy Web Forms for Test Automation
06 Aug 2014 Unit Test Isolation for Legacy .Net Code
29 May 2014 Principles and Patterns of Test Driven Development
10 Apr 2014 Making a Mockery of Extension Methods
21 Aug 2013 Dependency Injection with DB-first Entity Framework
09 Jul 2013 Be Test-Driven
29 May 2013 From Ruby to Gherkin: Building Automated System Tests, pt 2
11 Oct 2012 C# + IronRuby: Building Automated System Tests, pt 1
13 May 2012 Review: Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided By Tests
21 Apr 2012 Breaking Down a Unit Test from "Reggie" That Uses MoQ
19 Apr 2012 Moles: No Longer Fit for Unit Tests
16 Apr 2012 Breaking My Moles Habit, With MoQ
13 Apr 2012 Unit vs. Integration Tests When Querying Nullable Columns
30 Mar 2012 Test Naming Convention
16 Feb 2012 A Recipe for Setting Up Automated Test Projects
19 May 2010 Moles Free Download Without Pex
19 May 2010 Change HostType["Pex"] to HostType["Moles"]
10 Feb 2010 Exploring .Net Code with Pex
03 Sep 2009 TDD - Scenario for Red, Green, Refactor
28 May 2009 Unit Testing Functions That Call Microsoft Enterprise Logging
19 Apr 2009 Sub classing for automated testing
05 Feb 2009 Unit Testing - Code Coverage and Separation of Layers
31 Dec 2007 NUnit Ignores App.Config