Stephen A. Fuqua (saf)

a Bahá'í, software engineer, and nature lover in Austin, Texas, USA


Articles by tag

Date Article
20 Jan 2020 Best Practices in TDD and OOD
27 Dec 2019 Unit Testing with Entity Framework Core and Async
08 Feb 2019 Refactor Away from Global Static
03 Dec 2018 Comparing Assertion Libraries for .NET Framework
21 Jul 2018 Upgrading safnet-directory, Part 2: Unit Tests
15 Jul 2018 Upgrading safnet-directory, Part 1: Trivial Cleanup
29 Jan 2015 Studying Source Code
01 Dec 2014 safnet Directory: A Partnership Between Angular.Js and ASP.Net MVC
13 Oct 2014 Node.js, Web API, and RabbitMQ. Part 4
11 Oct 2014 Node.js, Web API, and RabbitMQ. Part 3
07 Sep 2014 Server Side Push Notifications With SignalR
06 Aug 2014 Unit Test Isolation for Legacy .Net Code
03 Aug 2014 Node.js, Web API, and RabbitMQ. Part 2
29 Jul 2014 Node.js, Web API, and RabbitMQ. Part 1
10 Apr 2014 Making a Mockery of Extension Methods
02 Feb 2014 Notes on WCF in Business Applications, Part 1: Server Side
15 Dec 2013 A Single-Screen Workflow Application in WPF
21 Aug 2013 Dependency Injection with DB-first Entity Framework
07 Jun 2013 Active Directory and WCF Configuration Woes Resolved
07 Sep 2012 Using Custom Types in Project Settings
28 Jun 2012 Some Tips for Use of DataAnnotations in .Net
21 Apr 2012 Breaking Down a Unit Test from "Reggie" That Uses MoQ
19 Apr 2012 Moles: No Longer Fit for Unit Tests
16 Apr 2012 Breaking My Moles Habit, With MoQ
13 Apr 2012 Unit vs. Integration Tests When Querying Nullable Columns
30 Mar 2012 Test Naming Convention
11 Mar 2012 Entity Framework Connection Strings
16 Feb 2012 A Recipe for Setting Up Automated Test Projects
08 Jan 2012 Mythical Man-Month: Code Reuse and Discoverability
18 Dec 2011 Notes on Configuring CruiseControl.Net
15 Dec 2011 Reggie - Regular Expression Generation/Testing Tool
18 Jan 2011 Explicit Column Mappings for SqlBulkCopy
19 Aug 2010 What about uint?
19 May 2010 Moles Free Download Without Pex
19 May 2010 Change HostType["Pex"] to HostType["Moles"]
09 May 2010 Why did they remove Promote Local Variable refactor?
02 Apr 2010 How to assign namespace and action to FaultContract in ServiceContract Interface (Web Service Software Factory)?
10 Feb 2010 Exploring .Net Code with Pex
18 Jan 2010 C# Extension Methods for IDataReader
23 Sep 2009 Securely Accessing Network Resources in an ASP.Net Web Service
03 Sep 2009 TDD - Scenario for Red, Green, Refactor
26 Aug 2009 Encryption, Views, and Stand-Alone Stored Procedures in the Entity Framework
20 Jun 2009 Think For One ... Second
28 May 2009 Unit Testing Functions That Call Microsoft Enterprise Logging
19 Apr 2009 Sub classing for automated testing
03 Apr 2009 Automatic Properties in C# 3.0
04 Mar 2009 Nice technique for modifying a subset of a List
05 Feb 2009 Unit Testing - Code Coverage and Separation of Layers
12 Jan 2009 The value of using braces to avoid code defects
25 Dec 2008 Diagnosing an Obnoxious Reporting Timeout Problem
20 Nov 2008 String.IsNullOrEmpty - performance considerations, bugs
08 Jul 2008 C#: The Dangers of Foreach
28 Apr 2008 Updating the GUI Before a Method Completes
17 Jan 2008 Validating XML Via Embedded XSD Schema
11 Jan 2008 Viewing Embedded Images in HTML E-mail (Base64)
31 Dec 2007 NUnit Ignores App.Config
07 Dec 2007 Threading and Waiting with Delegates
02 Oct 2007 Passing Objects Does Not Require 'ref'
28 Sep 2007 Do not trust the generic List!
21 Sep 2007 Performance #7: An (unsafe) Dead End
08 Aug 2007 AJAX RESPONSE Parsing Exception
23 Jul 2007 Performance #6: Reading Directly Into the Parser
19 Jul 2007 Performance #5: File Buffering
18 Jul 2007 Threading Links
18 Jul 2007 Visual Studio Says: "Failed to create component"
14 Jul 2007 Performance #4: Consolidate Object Creation from Database
09 Jul 2007 Rethrowing Exceptions Is a Dangerous Business
07 Jul 2007 Collection Performance Comparisons
06 Jul 2007 Performance #3: CLR Profiler
30 Jun 2007 Performance #1 and #2: Clean Client / Server Interaction
26 Jun 2007 An Exercise in Performance Tuning in C#.Net
22 Jun 2007 Running Both .Net 1.1 and 2.0 in Windows 2003 Server 64 Bit Edition
21 Jun 2007 Image Conversion Made Easy in .Net
30 May 2007 Autoscrolling in the DataGridView