Stephen A. Fuqua (saf)

a Bahá'í, software engineer, and nature lover in Austin, Texas, USA


Articles by tag

Date Article
01 May 2024 A Conversation on Bahá'í Principles for Climate Action
22 Apr 2017 Support for the Clean Power Plan
25 Jan 2016 Desperately Seeking Action on DFW Smog
31 Oct 2015 The Long Wait: A Journey Toward Solar Power
28 Jun 2015 Faithful Call to #ActOnClimate Change
21 Jun 2015 In Celebration of Laudato Si
11 May 2015 Racism Masquerading as Environmentalism
27 Sep 2014 Discourses of Society: Climate Change
25 May 2014 Summertime Goals: Building Relationships and Developing a Vision
23 Feb 2014 Can We Talk About Climate Change? Pt 1
01 Feb 2014 It Was All About the Networking at IPL and Physicians for Social Responsibility Event
14 Apr 2013 Reflecting on a Year of Involvement in Dallas Interfaith Power and Light
04 Apr 2013 Opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline
03 Mar 2013 Reflecting on a "Power to Choose" Energy Workshop
14 Feb 2013 Raising Our Expectations for Climate Leadership, Institutionally and Individually
27 Jan 2013 Baha'is of Grand Prairie Join the Preach-In
11 Nov 2012 Fracking: a Great Distraction from Renewables and Conservation
14 Sep 2012 Struggling to feel fully informed about fracking
09 Sep 2012 Dallas Interfaith Power & Light - "Power Surge"
01 Jul 2012 Love God Heal Earth, by Rev Canon Sally G. Bingham, et al.
17 Jun 2012 Public Comment on Proposed EPA Standards for New Fossil-Fuel Power Plants
31 Dec 2011 Keystone Pipeline: NIMBY
13 Mar 2010 Baha'is Embrace Sustainability in Face of Climate Change
07 Nov 2004 Kyoto Ratified - What Next?
30 Sep 2004 Russia Supports Kyoto - Maybe